How to stand out and increase conversions with psychology and words

Learn how to stand out and communicate with HD clarity using the most-trusted ultimate marketing sales tool: words.

Hosted by Anita Siek of Wordfetti

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When: 30th April 2024 at 6:00 pm Australian Eastern Standard Time

Join me, Anita, creator of Wordfetti in this FREE power-hour-charged masterclass where I am going to unpack the secrets on how YOU can stand out in your industry through words, create content that ain’t vanilla, and sell (without feeling like a sale-sy car salesperson each time you write content for yo’ brand.)

A tried and tested framework to help you nail your messaging and write copy that connects and converts
Steal our tried-and-tested repeatable system that is underpinned by sales psychology to help brands nail their stand-out message, and write copy that generates qualified leads and converts (without the ick!).

How to cut through the digi-noise to stand out (especially when there’s so much same-same and ChatGPT)
A simple hack I turn to to writing and creating clear copy and content that is original, and will have your audience go “OMG. Are you in my head?!”;

Why “add value and the leads will come” is NOT a strategy
… and what you must focus on instead so your audience devours every word you write, and say “HECK YES” to your offers;

The biggest copywriting conversion killers and boosters
5 of the biggest copywriting mistakes and how this could be costing you, your website and your business… conversions (and what you should focus on instead);

In this free power-packed masterclass, here is what we’re gonna dive into:

What people are saying about our FREE Masterclasses:

To help 5,000 new and emerging online businesses that want to zig when others zag uncover and OWN their you-nique sauce go from under-the-radar to front of mind domination to attract their dream clients, and help them create a legacy where they are known for a purpose that go beyond just the service they deliver and the product they sell.

my mission

I am a lawyer turned Copywriter and Brand Strategist and the creator of Wordfetti, a human-centred word-ucation house where we help new and scale up online-based businesses who don’t want to do normal (like YOU!) stand out through the psychology, design-thinking, and words. 

In 1 year? I built my side-gig Wordfetti from knowing NO ONE in the industry to a waitlisted studio and digital learning hub (that is doubling in growth each year) with a $250 DIY’d website (this is our brand new custom painted site that you’re lurkin’ at!) and little to ZERO ad spend until my 3rd year.

How, you ask? Words. 

Having worked with over 150+ clients and armed with an exy AF psychology and linguistics degree under my belt - I have cracked the code on what makes humans tick, and have leveraged this to help propel small and global brands into 6, 7 to 8-figures. And now? I want to equip YOU all the tools, and industry-tricks so you can get the SAME results too. 

Hey! I'm Anita.

But why should I listen to what you have to say?